How to set up eTMF quality checks in three simple steps

Sep 15, 2022
How to set up eTMF quality checks in three simple steps

The difference between a paper Trial Master File and an electronic one is not only the storage and availability of documents. eTMF allows you to stay on top of your documentation in terms of quality – and here’s an instruction on how to set up Quality Checks in Flex Databases eTMF.

In Flex Databased eTMF, quality checks are part of metadata. We have a special metadata category called “Quality” (surprise!), and all metadata fields of this category have a dedicated report on a dashboard, so you’d get all the information about the quality of your documents at a glance.

Step 1: Create a new Metadata field

Step 2: Add the field you created in the project settings

Step 3: Check the new check field

And now you can see it in the report!

The quality check tool is flexible to cover all your needed SOPs’ requirements and team requests. Since any information can be presented as metadata, you decide on exact characteristics that should be checked in different parts of your TMF. You can predefine the quality checks for a specific placeholder, files, or even information resources, like users or sites – any filter is available in our eTMF. 

Always stay on top of your quality with Flex Databases eTMF. Request a demo or contact us through to learn more!

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