Ultimate Guide to eTMF

Aug 5, 2021
Ultimate Guide to eTMF

Even though electronic Trial Master File seems to be almost essential nowadays, there are still many questions on its value and benefits that it could bring to a company. 

We’ve decided to answer the most common and most important of them and walk you through the entire process – from Why select eTMF through Legacy data migration to Smart eTMF, which works almost autonomously and takes care of your tomorrow.

Table of contents

Chapter 1: Why move to eTMF?

  • What is eTMF?
  • Integrating an eTMF system

Chapter 2: Paper TMF vs. eTMF?

Chapter 3: How eTMF saves money?

Chapter 4: What’s next for eTMF? 

Chapter 5: How Flex Databases eTMF helps optimize clinical trial processes?

  • Easy collaboration with the sites at no added cost
  • How to move from paper to eTMF in three simple steps?
  • On the way to the Neural eTMF

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