Minimising human error in clinical study with Flex Databases CRA Activity Management

Aug 12, 2022
Minimising human error in clinical study -2

In clinical trials, any mistake can cost you a whole study. That’s why one of the essential things in the studies is processes and procedures. But what’s the first emotion you get about these words? Let me guess: disappointment, fear, irritation?

It is probably connected to the fact that processes and procedures almost never work perfectly because of too many variables and human factors. And whose role of the clinical team is more affected by multiple possible mistakes, whose role is usually mostly overloaded, and whose role requires complete accordance with the project-specific procedures and SOPs? Exactly, CRA.

Think of all possible mistakes that can be made by a CRA during the project: from missing the deadline up to fulfilling the wrong versions of the document/report. We all know that CRAs are almost always too overloaded, running multiple trials simultaneously and being on the road. The best way to support them is to provide a tool that initially does not require any extra “choices” to make. A tool that allows them to go through all the procedures step by step, not thinking of the form’s version, the timing of the reporting, etc. Flex Databases has such a tool – the CRA Activity Management module.

As soon as CRAs are logged into this system, they are limited by only necessary choices.

  • CRAs can see a calendar arranged by the system – so they can easily plan all the activities per day, week, or month
  • While working on each visit/report, a CRA must fulfill the predefined fields, not questioning themselves if the version of the form is correct
  • Since they have a convenient tool – CRA Activity Management – the only thing needed is the Internet connection and a laptop/iPad/smartphone

That’s it. Even while traveling, CRA can always stay updated with all the forms, not even knowing that – all the updates will already be implemented into the system. Because in real life, when not using the system, many CRAs take a previous template for a new report, which can last from the first report of the study, leading to multiple mistakes in all the project reports.

The system ensures that the steps are in the proper order, procedures are followed by the book, etc. What’s left for the human is only to fill up the data.

These are just a few examples of how the CRA Activity Management module helps avoid mistakes of the clinical teams and the study. Though CTMS of Flex Databases consists of three modules (CRA Activity Management, Subject Tracking & Invoicing, and Investigators & Sites Management), the principles of all of them are the same – simplification of following the procedures, limitation of choices, and reduction of any possible human mistakes.

Reach out to or via the form on top of the page arrange a demo of Flex Databases CTMS and see for yourself how convenient it is.

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