We are excited to share that Flex Databases has been named a Top Clinical Management Provider for 2024 by Life Science Review. This prestigious recognition highlights our strong reputation and the trust placed in us by both customers and industry peers, reflected in numerous nominations from Life Science Review subscribers. This award comes at a […]
We constantly update and develop our system to meet clients’ expectations and provide the most advanced and user-friendly system for their needs. Here’s what’s new in Flex Databases Application Release 12.
Common functionality
- Mass assignment for Project catalogue: Assigning process becomes faster – just select employees and add them to projects and sites in bulk, no need to do it one by one
- LDAP-based Single Sign-On: authentication process to access Flex Databases platform using a username and a password provided by their corporate LDAP directory service, no extra passwords for Flex Databases. Available for customers with an on-premises setup
- SAML-based Single Sign-On for Cloud Customers coming soon
Project Catalogue
- Grant access and/or manage permissions for any project role for Clinical Projects
- Configure module sections: include sections to the menu, configure sections tabs and fields. End-user can configure their own Project Catalogue based on their needs
Learning Management System
- SCORM: Interactive training and QMS documents can be created using the SCORM format
- New workflow: user-friendly, fast, and straightforward, with updated user roles permissions
- Case import: manually upload XML batches in E2B R3 format to create cases or automatically upload via the gateway
- Country submissions report: track cases submissions across multiple countries and agencies
- New report constructor: create line listing easily
- Tabulations for DSUR and PBRER reports
- TMF Manager: split view for quick document sorting and Just drag and drop files and folders from one panel to another
- TMF Chat: discuss documents and folders with your teammates
- Emailing out-of-the System: Share documents with sites and colleagues
- Export feature: export the documents in the separate module sections, such as:
– My Favorites
– TMF Activities
– TMF Master Copies
– My Views
- A space to record Reason for items deletion
- Direct work with MS Word and Excel documents: just double-click the document to open it in MS Word or Excel and seamlessly save it back to eTMF
- DIA 3.2 Reference Model Support
- Auto clone placeholder on drag and drop upload: upload batch of placeholders in one click
- Cross-Projects Dashboards
- New reports: Processing Time Report and Missing Documents report
Project Management & Budgeting
- Cross-project dashboard and reports: quickly analyze any project data you want
- New processes for change orders/amendments: make any changes to the actual budget with the updated rules and monitor Final project budget
- Task Card: all task information in one place
- Advanced connection between PM & Budgeting and Time Sheets:
– Check the hours budgeted for the task during the Time Sheets completion process
– Time Sheet Approver: delegate Time Sheets approval to any user in the system by assigning the additional role in one click
– Review, approve/decline entries, and complete units directly from PM & Budgeting module, no need to go to another module anymore
– Ability to switch off unit name entering within the TS submitting process
- Updated and upgraded project performance reports
- Custom invoice template
- Budget import from MS Excel file
- Earned Value report new user interface
- Extract any data point from CTMS/PhV and transfer it to any other system
- Load subjects visit data into Subject Tracking & Invoicing module programmatically
CRA Activity Management
- Optional Sponsor Approval step for Site Visit Activities – switch on/off sponsor review step in site visit report workflow
- Global CRA Activity Management Administrator
- Online editor and ability to add an electronic signature for Confirmation and Follow-up Letters
- Data filters for trackers: configure filters for data in trackers grids (for all levels of tracker location) and tracker data displayed in printed documents
- ICF improvements: level-based system for ICF versions creation, from project to site-specific
Subject Tracking & Invoicing
- Subject Statuses – more flexible status triggering: now a subject status can be assigned to a subject upon completing a corresponding visit
- Import Tool: CSV format is available for uploading subjects visits data
- Import Tool: possibility to upload repeatable or unscheduled subject visits
Sounds like something you’d like to try? Request a demo via the button on top of the page or send us an e-mail to bd@flexdatabases.com to learn more!