Blog Flex Databases

eClinical software implementation – Flex Databases way
eClinical software implementation – Flex Databases way

We can deliver a fully functional system in the timeframe from 3 to 10 (typically around 5) weeks, depending on the Client’s involvement and the complexity of the Client’s requirements.

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CTMS & eTMF implementation – Flex Databases & FGK CRO case study
CTMS & eTMF implementation – Flex Databases & FGK CRO case study

In this video, we’ll tell you about Flex Databases CTMS & eTMF implementation for FGK CRO.

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How do we make validation simple and speed up implementation up to 2 times
How do we make validation simple and speed up implementation up to 2 times

Flex Databases developed a simple workflow to make validation almost effortless and as simple as possible.

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API or not-API: integration capabilities of Flex Databases system -2
API or not-API: integration capabilities of Flex Databases system

Even though Flex Databases system allows our clients to cover all software needs within one platform, there are cases when the company needs to integrate existing providers with the new ones. We understand the need entirely, and that is why we offer several ways to integrate with basically any system or solution that supports integration.

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