Metronomia selected Flex Databases to gain efficiencies in project management and budget-related activities
October 21, 2022

This October, Metronomia Clinical Research GmbH chose Flex Databases as Project Management & Budgeting solution provider.
Here’s how Metronomia’s team describes the new partnership:
“We have been using Excel for many project management and budget-related activities so far. With an increasing number of projects and customers, this approach does not scale well and makes reporting across projects difficult. Flex Databases offers a solution which seems lightweight and tailored to the needs of the pharma/CRO work environment. We expect to gain efficiencies in project management and budget-related activities such as performance reporting. We also expect better project and resource oversight.”
Metronomia Clinical Research GmbH
What’s so great about Flex Databases Project Management & Budgeting module? It’s about hard things simplified into one logical flow – budget a project, transfer it into planning with one button, plan a project, get automated reporting on project progress, visuals and automated invoicing, see earned value analyses, and so much more.
Metronomic is a specialized CRO for biostatistical consulting, biostatistical services and clinical data management in Munich (Germany). At Metronomic, you can rest assured that the change that is constantly and harmoniously taking place is for the best for your data, projects and customer journey, all with the goal of bringing safe and effective important medicines and medical products to patients faster.